Welcome to nawado.pl
The information you will find here is aimed at those people who are interested in knowing everything that hides behind the first word of BDSM, Bondage, and especially for those interested in Shibari.
There will be basic information for beginners as well as information that can be useful in bondage and Shibari’s advanced practice. Our intention is to give the information in a clear, orderly form. While discussion forums are a good place to explore and develop your knowledge and to verify your own ideas, for those who are looking for specific information, they are less friendly.
This site is to provide what we think is lacking in the Polish BDSM scene, that is knowledge of bondage techniques and Shibari techniques presented in the form of a multimedia manual. Nawado.pl is also an illustration and documentation of our own experiences, knowledge and activities accumulated over many years of practicing bondage and shibari. Our intention is to provide the content presented here in a way that encourages the sharing of experience and discussion.
The manual is not closed and will be expanded by adding new content in each chapter.
Both the authors Slaanesh and GanRaptor, whose activities are probably not alien to the attentive observers of the Polish BDSM scene, care about the content of nawado.pl. We hope that our achievements in the form of photos, BDSM stories, forum posts, Shibari and BDSM shows at fetish parties, will be a recommendation for you to visit this site and use the knowledge presented here.
The main part of nawado.pl is a textbook of tying techniques called Shibari. Techniques once mastered, will allow you to follow nawado, the path of the rope, a way of transferring your knowledge and skills into art and emotions.
The instructions, illustrated with pictures, films and descriptions, are all made by us. We have adopted the principle of making the lectures simple, focusing on the formation of individual bonds. We have emphasised the transparency of the message, omitting in some cases additional braids, decorative fragments of ties, rigorous rope laying, etc.
We have adopted a different principle in the Multimedia section. We want the content to be interesting and valuable material. All photos, videos and texts were made by us, or as specified, by our friends. Some images were taken by us; some images are of ourselves and our ties.
We aim to include in the sections “Photos / Texts from our friends” works showing their accomplishments, which encourage you to visit their own sites.
All content on this site is protected by copyright. Reproduction, posting on other sites, printing and use without the author’s knowledge and consent is prohibited and will be promptly notified to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.